Prairie Preschool
Welcome to Prairie Preschool!
Prairie Preschool is located inside Prairie High School and serves children ages 3-5 in an inclusive setting with high school students. You may ask why inclusion? A lab setting in a high school with high school students? Is this best for my child? Will they receive the right education in this setting?
There are many reasons to provide educational opportunities to children in an inclusive setting. Children with disabilities play, learn, and interact with their peers. Integrating young children can be beneficial for both groups, as well as their parents. High school students help prepare preschoolers as they reach their milestones. High school students learn developmentally appropriate practices to further their education and job endeavors.

Children who are Typically Developing Through positive interactions with children with disabilities, peers who are typically developing become sensitive to the needs of others and learn to appreciate individual differences at an early age. In an inclusion setting, children who are typically developing have more opportunities to be leaders, or teachers, thereby increasing their self-confidence. The children also have the opportunity to form friendships with their peers.
Children with Disabilities When children with disabilities are educated alongside their typically developing peers, they learn age-appropriate communication, social and play skills by imitating their peers. Inclusion settings provide a challenging environment for the children with disabilities. Therefore, the children learn more independently and developmentally advanced skills .In addition, we also have support staff including speech, occupational, and physical therapists. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s development.
Your Child’s Day A consistent daily schedule is planned to offer a balance of formal and informal learning activities. There will be opportunities for your child to participate in the following each day.
Large and small group activities
Self-directed play
Story time
Outdoor play
Individual activities
Learning Center Activities
Dramatic play
Curriculum Prairie Preschool uses Ready to Advance curriculum from Benchmark Education Company. It addresses all areas of developmental skills: social emotional, language and literacy, mathematics, science and technology, motor, social studies and art.
Health Procedures All children must have current immunization records on file before attending preschool. Your child should be kept at home if they are not feeling well. If they have any of the following, they should be kept home until they have been symptom free or on antibiotics for 24 hours:
Vomiting or diarrhea
Strep throat
Pink eye or rashes
If your child is going to be absent from school, please notify our staff at
** If your child rides the bus, please also call Transportation at 360-885-6577. Note that they will NOT pick up your child until you notify them your child is ready to return to school.
Contact our preschool teachers
Linda Dollar, Community Preschool Teacher
Kara Martin, Special Education Teacher
Patti Gaines, High School Teacher
Angela Johnson, Special Education Assistant
Breanna Harrelson, Special Education Assistant